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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 5:21 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:28 pm
Posts: 371
There are currently around 100 different CPUs that we will purchase from you once they have been tested. The prices range from $3.00 each to over $100 per working CPU.

The best part is that we do all of the testing. You do not need to have the vast equipment that it would require to properly test all of the varieties of CPU's that we buy.

Once you find a CPU that is on our buy list you simply visually inspect the CPU to make sure that all the necessary features of it are intact. You then individually envelope (or package) label and document each CPU and send them to

We will then test each of CPU's and give it a pass or fail. CPUs that pass the testing will then be paid out according to the price on our buy list for that particular ID. CPU's that fail testing will be bought as scrap according to our standard scrap buying prices. Currently all of the CPU's that we are buying are of the pinless variety, therefor that is the grade they would fall in if failed.

Once you have a collection of qualifying CPU's you can generate an instant quote by simply inputting the quantity of each different ID of CPU you have.

The Test & Buy Quote Service is found here:

The ID of the CPU will most often be found in the top right hand corner of the tiny printing on the cap of the CPU.

File comment: Where to find the ID of a tested chip.
chipid.jpg [ 633.48 KiB | Viewed 72597 times ]

If you look at our price list you will find the cpus listed as i3-2xxx with the 2xxx representing the 4 numbers following the dash. Some cpus only have 3 digits after the dash (as does the one in the picture above). Those are listed simply as xxx without the leading digit, as in i3-xxx.

You will also need to make sure all the the needed capacitors and pin pads are intact and undamaged on the back of each qualifying CPU. Each style of processor is different, this pic is only one example.

File comment: Rear of a tested chip.
chipback.jpg [ 1.31 MiB | Viewed 72597 times ]

Please know that we will only test and buy CPU's that have been pre-qualified (meaning you can clearly see the ID and found it on our CPU Test and Buy Program) and have been individually protected (using a stock CPU clam shell or something as simple as a small padded envelope). The idea is these are no longer going to be considered as scrap, but a sensitive and potentially lucrative processing unit, assuming they pass the test. You must treat them accordingly.

CPU's found in shipments of scrap (meaning you sent a a bunch of no pin processors for scrap) will not be considered for this program. Instead CPU's sold as scrap outside of this explicit buying program will still be bought as scrap. Do not just throw a bunch of scrap No Pin Processors in a bag and expect to have any of them qualify. They wont. We expect sellers in this buying program to practice extreme diligence.

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