As municipalities and businesses catch up to the rules and regulations, which are constantly changing, you'll notice there are way fewer outlets for e-waste disposal, and specifically with regard to TV's. A few years ago you might have found a free outlet, good luck now. The hazard: CRT glass is leaded, and some (not all) flat screen CFFC's contain Mercury, so stuff that nobody wants in a landfill. The Bureaucracy: Some places let you throw stuff in a hole and be done, other places regulate where things go, and that costs significant money. The Rub: Unless you own an e-waste recycling business (we actually get paid for them, but we also send out 50,000 pounds a year and increasing) you are going to pay someone somewhere to move them on to their final destination. That said, there are still some municipalities that budget this sort of thing and may take them for nothing (depends on where you are, start making calls) but most places do not. There is also Staples. The don't specifically take "TV's" by definition of their terms, but they might let a bare screen slip through. They also take flat screen computer monitors. A bunch of places that charge (Best Buy, etc.) will usually charge a flat rate per piece, and it's expensive, so if your yard charges a quarter per pound, that frankly isn't too bad.