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PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 2:16 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:57 pm
Posts: 9906
Location: Low DOS
eScrap is an ever changing and evolving marketplace. As technology advances so does the market. As metal prices change so do board prices.
To make things easy for everyone here are a few rules and guidelines for posting in this category.

To note: these are my own rules. I am not a member of Boardsort! My classing is my own opinion. I’m usually correct but not always.

1 To make it easy for me to reply, and for everyone to understand: please limit each post to 4-8 boards
There is no Limit on posting new topics so why not split it out and make things easy. 10 photos of 10 boards each in a single post makes a massive list of a reply.

2 if you see something you disagree with Please post a reply and let me know. I’m not an employee and I’m human. Combined that means I can be wrong at times.
I don’t mind at all being corrected: just be civil.

Guidelines for boards:
Alway remove:
Heat sinks
Loose shields

Dallas boxes:
Anything that says Dallas
anything with a picture of a clock
Anything that’s says RTC or RTK

Button cell batteries or
AA, AAA, AAAA, C, D, L, R, N, and 9volt
Any small rectangle that has a voltage and amperage printed on it. EG: 3V900mA

Wires and their ends!
Plastic laminate sheets.

never remove:
Anything else unless your told so.

When in doubt:
Post a picture

I’ll do my best to help if you don’t have a photo. But it’s far easier to see what you are asking about

I try my best. If your photo is taken in a dark cave with no flash and the picture is black I’m going to have difficulty. ;)

If I can’t make it out well enough I’ll tell you and make a guess. You can try a new picture or bank on my guess. Either way.

We are all here to learn and help.
Nothing here is set and guaranteed. unless Chris/Boardsort reply’s or I say it’s guaranteed. Guaranteeing is Something I only do when I have sent that exact board or have asked Chris directly.
If I guarantee it I will say positive, absolutely positive, textbook, guaranteed.
Anything else is my best educated guess based on my experience. And is subject to review, as all boards are in general, when they hold your boards in their hands.

Please look at two important links at the top of every page!
Payout rates:
This list changes weekly. It occasionally changes more often. This posts the general categories and classes of items they buy. It covers most of what they purchase.
Sell Material:
This is the quote form for selling material.
The two links are 99% matched but do not ALWAYS line up perfectly. There are occasions where they will get out of sync somewhere.
So the end all and be all class and price is on the Sell Material list. The actual selling system.
If you find a discrepancy the Sell Material price is the correct one. AND!!! Please post a comment in the Boardsort Help category so it can be addressed.

Acronyms I may use:
GFC for gold finger card

Low, mid, and high: in context.
When discussing boards solely within a single class with more than one level I may not type out the class name every time.
This works for standard classes like low and mid grades.
Low for gold finger cards
Low and high for telco

Many people use MCC for monolithic ceramic capacitor. I will not. Not now! Not EVER!
CMC is used for ceramic monolithic capacitor
MCC will on this site will always stand for Multi Chip Carrier! Period.

Large and old MCCs like 80s IBM and DEC will usually be high telco. But smaller units (like Xeon and RISC packages) may fit an actual CPU class.
Always post a photo.

Info. If you just generally want to know what something is but not necessarily want to sell/scrap it post the photo in the eScrap general category. There we can discuss any computer related material without disrupting the class and sell method of the what is it category.

42 6F 61 72 64 73 6F 72 74 2E 63 6F 6D

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