Mwfhawk wrote:
I forgot to mention we have over 20 thousand different cryptos. And all the cryptos are running out of fools to buy.
The market has several severe problems. Few deny that. Sticking to us registered(or better, located) markets keep you with some security as they are licensed money transfer companies.
Logical people don’t go out looking for getting rich on crypto.
Proof of work coins are just about dead.
Bitcoin is the only viable hold out. More from size and slow distribution causing system (though not value) consistency.
But DeFi is huge. And the proof of stake coins the fund and power DeFi blockchain is, generally, only going to go up in value. We’re talking pennies on the dollar here. But up appears to be the map.
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GS and Chase moved to blockchain backends.
Many countries are working on moving national elections to Blockchain.
USDC and USDT, both fully backed, proof of stake, are out trading nearly all but the top tier coins. Tether based chains back nearly all the national coin releases. And according to Blockify, Coin Market Cap and Coin Trend reports, the chains as a whole have reached over 50% movement parity to the fiat currency they mirror.
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But the real kick right now is proof of space. Proof of space tokens are backed by hard drive space.
And this is a rather unique situation, finically. The more space added to a network, the more tokens “minted”. But at the same time, it’s the opposite of printing money. The more space added, the healthier the network. So not only do token counts go up, so does the price.
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What’s happening now is the second R of recycling. Reuse. Services like secure drive make massage mirrors. Redundant live cycle backups. And there’s a nice run for independent computer shops at the moment for old, smaller, archaic MATCHING drives. A quick look at ebay shows a large flood of bulk drive offers. And sales.
8 old 500 meg drives running mirrored raid will fetch $50 plus in token value. Large farms of rack backplanes with thousands of drives and up, have given stability to the POStg market, and given these old drives a new life. This isn’t experimental, either! Amazon, Google. Big companies are using POStg services for hosting high volume, low change rate storage.
So sure, use your head. Do your research. Every good coin or token is matched with 100 bad ones. But with some common sense and a bit of research, it’s relatively stable overall outside the headline coins. Stake and storage coins and tokens with actual 1:1 backing, be it cash or gold or hard drive space, nearly universally offer holdings interest. Much higher than standard bank accounts. 1.5-3% on the low end. But 5-12% is not uncommon.
There’s actually something worthwhile here.