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 Post subject: Boardsort review
PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:39 pm 

Joined: Mon May 11, 2020 12:44 am
Posts: 12
Hi, so I joined in may 2020 the first few packages I sent in I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t send in a invoice or a packing list. Obviously I didn’t get payed for them but they were sent back. Then I sent another and did all the steps I was skeptical because of how long the check took to arrive and the amazing prices! They check arrived and so I have sent a bunch of packages. I would give boardsort 9/10 they just need to secure their website. (Apple says the website is not secure). Anyway for anyone that is skeptical.... BOARDSORT WORKS!!

 Post subject: Re: Boardsort review
PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 3:10 pm 
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A quick note on security.
Apple is correct. And a site update is in the works for eventually.

Here’s my explanation
The general aspects of the site do not use HTTPS.
Aside from your password (you do use a different password for each site right?) there’s really nothing to secure.
Boardsort doesn’t collect or store any financial data.
If you get a cheque it’s mailed to you. Given you put your address on the shipping label it’s already public.

PayPal transactions are done via PayPal.
That IS secured. They are done via PayPal’s own service and separate from boardsort’s site.

That said
I recognise this isn’t the most pleasing (or reassuring) thing to see on a web page.
An update/upgrade is being worked on. Unfortunately upgrading the entire backend of a web server is more like Microsoft’s rolling 10 updates than a simple software upgrade.
The software that runs the site is highly compartmentalised. And there’s over a Terabyte of data to migrate.
Like Windows there’s a few updates between where this site is and the current release that have know issues. You also, again like windows, can’t go directly from n.2.5.7 to n.5.5.5. Intermediate upgrades are needed. Picking and choosing where to jump to is no small task. Making sure you don’t break anything while updating everything that must be updated to get the next one installed. Make a mistake and you need to start over (obviously from a backup)

I’ve been told that an upgrade is coming.
And believe it is.
I also know this will involve a lot of testing and some downtime. Meaning taking the site offline. Finding the right time to do this is one thing that has been postponing it.

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 Post subject: Re: Boardsort review
PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 10:19 am 
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Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:28 pm
Posts: 371
The update to the new system is coming along and will be installed within a few months.

In the meantime we upgraded our server to accept secure socket layer (SSL) certificates making it a secure site.

You should no longer see the warning about the site. Even though your information was never at risk (we keep no info here other than name, address and email) it is now locked up tight.

Thank you for the review and to everyone who continues to put trust into

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